Ahhh … Oklahoma! I feel like I just don’t “get” you or the Midwest. Is Oklahoma considered part of the Midwest? I’ve lived in the midwest, there are beautiful tid bits, but an entire musical for this grand farming state? Someone please explain.
I can at least testify that the wind certainly does blow there. And my son was smitten with the giant wind turbines. (I kept calling them power sticks just so he’d correct me).
On to Texas!
Items of interest:
We only drove through the pan handle but it was long enough for me to feel a strong urge to jump on a horse and ride out into nowhere with Clint Eastwood in a cheap 70s western.
Favorite exit: Texola. Just say it. Texola (giggle) it rhymes with my favorite kid word: funola. Except it’s a real place, full of nothing. Clint would love it.
Fresh lemons – you can buy fresh, home grown lemons for 75¢ each at the teeny tiny gas station east of Wendola (giggle) and Amarillo. But be prepared to hang out there for awhile, they have the slowest gas pumps on the planet.
Also, Texas has lots and lots of cows along I-40 and Amarillo isn’t nearly as romantic as the song. You think they would at least have a giant billboard with George Straight’s gorgeous smile there to welcome you. But no. Nothing even close. In fact I sneezed and missed half the city.
Outside of town there were several cars stopped to look at the Cadillac Ranch. Very very cool. Check it out.
New Mexico!
I LOVE New Mexico! I had a chance to live here once and it’s a fantastic place. The scenery was gorgeous and the kids were good so it sort of blew by.
Items of interest:
75 MPH speed limits!!! Heaven!!!!
I went at least 200 miles with absolutely no cell or data connection, not even a little E. We could have DIED!!
Do not check a suspect diaper by sticking your finger in the side. Bad, bad idea.
When you stop at random gas station/post office to wash your finger and change guilty diaper, be sure to listen for the crazy bird that sounds like an old school car alarm. So cool!
That’s our blue rocket ship, as the kids call it.
I learned the proper way to spell Albuquerque (thank you auto spell!)
3pm at Garduños Mexican restaurant in Albuquerque is a fantastic place to let your kids run wild and tank up on chocolate tacos and sopapillas. So, so good!
And if you’re playing the alphabet game the Zuzac, NM exit kicks butt.
I am now enjoying my deluxe room in Gallup with a “no plug tub” – it is a feature! And a great view of the train yards. Guaranteed to entertain children with autism on the half hour, exactly, all night long as trains roar past tooting a friendly “Hello!”.
Pray for us?
Tomorrow: Phoenix! Where we will recuperate for a few days before trekking on with our trusty Chick-Fil-A of Garner cow cut out. He’s having a blast.